Issue #5 - Taking Stock & Technical Debt

July 2024


I'm Chris Shennan, and you’re getting this email because you signed up for Chris Shennan's Newsletter, a monthly update that covers web development, side projects, and bootstrapping. Thank you for subscribing! If you enjoy the content, please share it with a friend. If this email was forwarded to you, sign up now to receive your own copy.

Recent Highlights

It’s been a couple of months since my last issue (a vast improvement on last time) and I’ve managed to get a lot done since last time. I’ve completed a server upgrade I was putting off for years - apparently, Ubuntu 16.04 is a bit dated now and my API integration for beehiiv wasn’t working due to expired SSL root certificates. So, while the kids were away on their summer holidays with gran, I bit the bullet and migrated to a new server, ditched my hybrid Digitial Ocean & AWS setup and I’m now running exclusively on AWS.

As part of the server migration, I’ve also upgraded my main projects (, and to rid myself of some additional technical debt and to bring them in line with development practices and procedures I use daily in my 9-5 job. This means I’m now using the same tools and patterns in both work and personal projects streamlining my flow and saving my cognitive capacity for the project detail rather than remembering what processes I’m following for each project.

The migration also allowed me to take stock of what projects I have, and I have the following active projects

And a few others in the backlog (disclaimer - I’ve not added the product summary to most of these yet)

I want to start making more use of my own products because if I’m not using them, how can I expect anyone else to? I’m using Password Angel frequently and I’m using a pre-MVP for getstatisfy to produce the statistics screenshot I post to X.

I plan to make more use of getstatisfy so I can share statistics for all of my projects and there is a central place for you to see my progress.

I’m also starting to make use of for affiliate marketing and in my brief usage of it I’m already seeing some pain points that I need to smooth over, and some new features that will make life easier, so I’ll be releasing updates to it over the next wee while. Watch this space.

What I’ve been writing

What I've been reading

Past Issue


Congratulations! You’ve made it this far so hopefully I’m doing something right.  If you have any comments, questions, feedback, ideas, or suggestions or want to say "Hi 👋"  I would love to hear from you.

You can reach me via Twitter, LinkedIn or by replying to this newsletter.